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The Team


A distinguished group of storytellers with a characteristic in common: All believe in human-centered design and each member is a specialist in his or her field. The human-centered design it’s a process that starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor made to suit their needs.

things we don't do

In today's times, where everyone seems to be open to having new projects, we have decided to specialize in those things we can do really well, leaving out digital marketing and content creation, where there are dozens of very well specialized companies.
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Alberto Hernández

Strategy / Market Analytics
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David Molina

Product Designer / UX-UI
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Sarah Bibay

Sales / Designer
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Adrián Martinez Barbudo

Data Science / Artificial Intelligence
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Vanesa Molina

Frontend / Creative / UX-UI
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Alex Andreu

Backend / Developer
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Carlos F. Timmermans

Sales Enablement & Operations
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José F. Timmermans

Channel Sales Manager